Racism: How it Works - Mustard comedy magazine

How it Works

Racism & Xenophobia


[1] Most people are arseholes.
Racism and Xenophobia: How it Works #01
[2] Their country and culture
gives them a 'flavour'.
Racism and Xenophobia: How it Works #02
[3] This gives us different
flavours of arsehole.
Racism and Xenophobia: How it Works #03a        Racism and Xenophobia: How it Works #03b
[4] When we meet an arsehole
from the same place as us...
Racism and Xenophobia: How it Works #04a
We don't notice the flavour,
so just think:
Racism and Xenophobia: How it Works #04b
[5] But when we meet an arsehole
from somewhere else...
Racism and Xenophobia: How it Works #0a5
We primarily notice the
flavour, and think:
Racism and Xenophobia: How it Works #05b
This is known as the
'flavour of arseholes' theory.

(Do not Google this!)


~ A.M.

How Racism Works: poster

Poster version


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